Uffington Guides


Uffington Guides provides a friendly space where girls can enjoy just being themselves. Through activities that are fun, cooperative and girl-led, girls learn leadership skills and build self-confidence. But Guide meetings are also huge fun — packed with games, challenges and outdoor adventures. Each girl joins a Patrol who help and encourage each other to choose, plan and try out new activities.

Activities & Events

Guide meetings aim to be planned, organised and led by the Guides themselves as much as possible, working together to complete their challenges. During the summer term we try to be outdoors if we can and go for more adventurous activities.


Promise & Uniform

Girlguiding builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. It’s based on a Promise which each girl can apply in everyday life, regardless of faith or culture, and does not exclude those without a specific faith.


Join Us:

Uffington Guides meet from 19:15 to 20:45 every Wednesday evening during term time. Membership is open to girls from the age of 10 to 14 years.



For more information contact the Guide Leader (‘Skipper’):
Tel: Uffington ‘820878
Email: tina (at) waylands (dot) net